SAFARI held its second project meeting on May 21, 2024. The General Assembly and Steering Committee meeting was hosted by our coordinator, Łukasiewicz – Poznański Instytut Technologiczny.
The event began with an introductory talk by our project coordinator, Dariusz Carbic, followed by a presentation from our project manager, Agnieszka Osipiuk, who also facilitated the session. Each partner then presented the progress of their respective work packages up to month six. Read below a short summary by work package (WP):
The project management team (WP1-3) summarized key highlights of the project, including deliverables and milestones to be submitted to the European Comission through the CORDIS Platform. In addition to the milestones acchieved in WP4, the project submitted several important deliverables on the 31st of May: the Data Management Plan (D1.1), the First Plan for Dissemination, Exploitation of Results and Communication (PEDRC) training activities (D18.2), and the Report on Dissemination and Exploitation Actions (D18.4).
WP 4 focuses on the specifications and requirements for the project´s technical advancements. During the meeting, the WP team presented a detailed overview of the WP objectives and main research activities. These include identifying research gaps and hazard profiles of 2D materials, and defining specifications for the methods and equipments to be used in the project. The focus area of the WP4 encompass materials, processes, charactezation methods, end-user specification requirements, and AI models.
In relation to the preparation of MAX Phases (WP5), the goal is to upscale the HEBM-SPS technology of MAX phase synthesis. Their activities for this task started and are progressing towards reporting the developed models and optimization processes for MAX phase preparation by month 18 of the project. They presented a clear plan of the tasks for the next six months.
WP 6 reported progress on functionalization of MXenes manufacturing (WP 6), including a first trial. They carried out experimental analysis and presented aspects of the process related to physical, chemical and microwave methods. Through their experiments, they concluded that it is possible to produce MXenes with microwave technology by adjusting the parameters.
Progress on the functionalization of MXenes (WP 7) and on the psycochemical characterization of Mxenes (WP 10) was also presented. They highlighted experimental procedure for functionalization with polymers and presented in details the process. They clarified future goals for the WP7 and WP10, such as optimization of hybridization methods with polymers and the optimization of metal decoration of MXenes. They emphasized the importance of these initial experiements for the Hybridization of MXenes (WP8) and Physicochemical Characterizations of Hybrids (WP12).
Another crucial dimension on the SAFARI project is the phsycochemical characterization of hybrids, including the Toxicological and Eco Toxicological Profile of MXenes (WP11) and of the hybrids of MXenes and Graphenes (WP13). Task under these work packages involve developing human toxicological profile, ecotoxicological assessment, and ocuppational exposure scenarious and in-silico predictive studies of MXenes and the hybrids. Progress is on the characterization, based on toxicological profiles, of 62 materials that are going to be use in the project. The materials were identified through questionnaire to project partners.
Sustainability, social acceptance and data integration (WP15-WP17) focus on life cycle assessment (LCA), social LCA and integrating SAFARI data into the SbD decision-supporting tool. The responsible team presented their methodology for advancing the understanding of environmental, social and data integration aspects.
The disssemination, communication and exploitation strategies (WP18-WP20) of SAFARI is working effectively. The project has clear definitions of dissemination and communication activities, as well as the target audiences and key performance indicators those activities. The project reported a positive progress, reaching 20% of the target for social media followers, and having a public engagement strategy running.
Regarding the exploitation strategy, the analysis of the business landscape of the project was already developed, and questionnaires to the identification of the key exploitable results (KER) were carried out. The work package responsible also presented the clear path for the next six months including details on the cooperation with the Graphene EU Flagship.
The meeting was also very relevant for the collaboration with the Graphene Flagship. The Graphene Flagship is a crucial initiative to promote broader exchanges and an inclusive environment within the graphene and 2DM. Jacqui Brown presented the mechanisms in place for the alignment of actions and collaboration. She also showcased the upcoming activities focusing on the spaces for collaboration between SAFARI and the Graphene Flagship. SAFARI will participate in several events, supporting the Graphene Flagship. Specially is was discussed SAFARI support session in the Graphene Week 2024.
SAFARI is also working in close collabration with the the Graphene Flagship innitiative in dissemination and communication activities and in the standardisation, roadmapping and innovation working groups.
In the last moments of the event, a Steering Committee meeting took place where some minor changes in the consortium agreement and changes in WPs were discussed and voted on. Furthermore, an overview of the project upcoming tasks (e.g. in relation to data collection, events participation, and project management) was discussed to align the project activities and avdvance with fruitfull collaborations.
The project is advancing sucessfully towards enhancing the stat of the art of MXenes and the hybridization of MXenes and Graphenes.
Project Title
Sustainable safe-by-design 2D materials technology (RIA)
Lucasiewicz – PIT
Dariusz Garbiec
Agnieszka Osipiuk
Funded by the European Union under GA number 101135965. Views and options expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Funded by the European Union under GA number 101135965. Views and options expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held resonsible for them.
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